CMS SAFER Guides Readiness Questionnaire
In 2024, new penalties in the form of downward Medicare payment adjustments will apply to hospital systems that fail to attest ‘Yes’ to the SAFER Guides. Is your organization ready?
Added by CMS in 2022, all hospitals are required to complete an annual attestation that they have assessed their compliance with the checklist of 165 recommended practices in the SAFER Guides. The nine-part SAFER Guides aim to provide a framework in promoting effective EHR adoption practices and a safer patient journey.
New in 2024, penalties of downward payment adjustments for Medicare revenue have been added for organizations that fail to complete their self-assessments.
This readiness tool is a quick, seven-question questionnaire designed to help your organization gauge if the correct foundation is in place to attest to the SAFER Guides and avoid costly compliance penalties.
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